Name : International Day for Yoga 2023
Date : 21-06-2023
Venue : Metro College of Health Sciences and Research
The International Yoga Day 2023 was organized by Metro College of Health Sciences & Research in association with Brahma Kumaris on 21st June, 2023. The objective of the program was to raise awareness about this ancient practice and to celebrate the physical and spiritual prowess that yoga has brought to the world. The program was organized with the support and encouragement of honorable Dr. Sonia Lal Gupta, Managing Director (MCHSR) and Director (Metro Group of Hospitals), Dr. Kanak Lata, Director-Education, MCHSR, in the presence of the dignitaries, Prof. Pravin Prakash, Principal-MCN, Prof. Krishan Kumar Verma, Vice Principal-MCP, Prof. Muzzafar, Vice Principal-MCN, Prof. Sneha Mathew, Dean Student Welfare, Mr. Gaurav Sethi, Head HR-Admin MCHSR with faculties, staff and students.
The Guests for yoga day celebration were Brahma Kumari’s to guide the participants. Apart from Yoga, meditation and mindfulness sessions are also conducted, which can help in reducing stress and promoting relaxation. The day is also used to promote healthy lifestyle practices, such as eating a balanced diet and staying physically active. It was attended by faculties and Students from pharmacy and nursing department with great enthusiasm.
The event began with a brief introduction and welcome of the guests, Brahma Kumari Chandra, Brahma Kumari Amrita and Mr. K Nataraj. The session were started by warm up exercises in which all the students practiced & performed sitting and standing asanas, importance of meditation were explained simultaneously.Brahma Kumari Chandra, spoke about the “Positive Framework of meditation”. She began by explaining how negative thoughts disturb a person. Negativity she said increases the hormonal imbalance in people and thus there is a confusion of thoughts leading to stress. She emphasized the fact that purity of thought increases positivity in a person. Purity of thought increases mentally and physically strong people, which further create a positive nation leading to positive world. She conducted a 3 minute meditation session with the students and teachers and professed the regular use of meditation in one's life. Mr. Nataraj shared his 26 years of experience of meditations, how meditation changed his life. How thoughts play a vital role in our success life, our destination of success is decided by our thoughts and many more things he shared with the participants. All Faculties, Staff and students were taught the importance of Yoga in their life & how to maintain the harmony between body and mind. The students discussed the importance of yoga and also exhibited yoga postures and promised to introduce this activity in their daily lives. Finally, Mr. Gaurav Sethi guided and motivated all participants to practice Surya Namaskar. The celebration concluded with the speech of our Vice-Principal Dr. Krishan Kumar Verma. He encouraged students to practice regular yoga to remain fit and improve concentration.