Name : National Unity Day Celebration
Date : 31-10-2022
Venue : Metro College of Health Sciences and Research
Metro College of Health Sciences & Research celebrated“NATIONAL UNITY DAY”on 31st October 2022. The objective of celebrating this day was to raise awareness for Rashtriya Ekta Diwas and honour the achievements of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. Various events i.e.debate and quizzes were held on this day at Metro College of Health Sciences & Research.
Rashtriya Ekta Diwas, also known as National Unity Day, is commemorated annually on October 31st. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, who was independent India's first Home Minister, was born on this day. Sardar Patel is often referred as "The Iron Man of India” for his achievement of unifying India post-independence. His efforts brought together more than 550 princely states.This year marks the 147th birth anniversary of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel.
As an endeavor to solidify the bond of oneness and unification, various activities like quiz competition and debate competition were organized.Students were given a sneak peek of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel's life and struggles through a documentary.
The program concluded on an enthusiastic note with a vote of thanks proposed by Dr. Rosaline Mishra, Professor, MCHSR to all, especially to Dr. Sonia Lal Gupta, MD, MCHSR, Dr. Kanak Lata, Director Education for their support in organizing this program. Vote of thanks was also conveyed to Principal Dr. Praveen Kumar Gaur, Vice-Principal Sameer Rastogi & All faculty Member of MCHSR for organizing the session and making this event successful.
Certificate distributions were commenced by dignitaries and the faculty members to honor the special Talents.
Winners of Quiz competition:
Ist position : Shivam Tiwari, B.Pharm 1styear
IInd position : Md. Abbas, B.Pharm 1st year
IIIrd position : Md. Shakib, B.Pharm 1st year
Winners of Debate competition:
Ist position : Shivam Tiwari, B.Pharm 1st year
IInd position :Shubham Chaubey, B.Pharm 1st year
IIIrd position : Shreya Tiwari , B.Pharm 1st year