Name : A REPORT ON “Online Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights”
Date : 25-04-2022
Venue : Metro College of Health Sciences and Research
Metro College of Health Sciences & Research (Pharmacy) organized a Online workshop on “Intellectual Property Right” Awareness Programme under the initiative of Creative India; Innovative India in collaboration with Office of the Controller General of Patent, Designs and Trademarks, Ministry of Commerce and Industry on 25th April 2022 for faculty and students. The Program was conducted as a part of celebrations of 75thAzadika Amrit Mahotasav.
The workshop was conducted through the Cisco Webex. The workshop was attended by more than 250 participants of 22 colleges pan India. The workshop was conducted in the gracious presence of Honourable Principal Dr. Praveen Kumar Gaur and Vice-Principal Dr. Sameer Rastogi. The resource person for the session was Ms. Nekita Kumari (Examiner of Patent and Design, NIPAM officer, Delhi; Ministry of Commerce & Industry).
In her talk, she discussed on different aspects of Intellectual Properties like what is a Patent, Patent Rights, Trademarks, Industrial Design, Geographical Indication, IC Layout (Semiconductor, Trade Secret, Copyright, Protection of plant verities, Farmers Rights and Researchers Rights). She concluded the talk by explaining the rationale of protection and the nature of IPR. She emphasized that IPR are monopoly rights and have to be renewed from time to time for keeping them enforced except in case of copyright and trade secrets.She also covered the topics related to properties of good Trade Mark and requirement to file an ordinary application.
She also provided the information related to SICLD (Semi-conductor integratedcircuital layout design), Tools for patent search, famous inventors and their inventions, Fees to fill in INR.
She explained the concept and applications of IPR in a simple talk and the participants were benefited with the talk. Further she explained the Indian scenario of intellectual property system and the Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trademarks, Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion. She also explained the roles and functions of
department of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in India. She had given the complete information regarding the registration of Patent to the researchers. There was an active interaction session at the end of the workshop. The workshop was further enlightened by the interesting questions answer session in the last which gave true colors to the workshop and gave chance to young innovators to speak their doubts regarding innovation and its protection. The participants remarked that the workshop was very fruitful and enriching one and commented that the lecture helped them to understand the importance of intellectual property rights in the digital world. The workshop was concluded at 01:00 pm by a vote of thanks by Ms. Garima Raj.
Vote of Thanks
A vote of thanks was given by Ms. Garima Raj, Assistant Professor, MCHSR to all especially to Honorable
Dr. Sonia Lal Gupta, MD, MCHSR, Dr. Kanak Lata, Director of Education for their support in organizing the program. A vote of thanks was also conveyed to Dr. Praveen Kumar Gaur (Principal), Dr. Sameer Rastogi (Vice-principal) members of Scientific Committee, Participants and all teaching and non-teaching staff members of MCHSR organizing the session and to make this event successful.